皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College is committed to supporting undocumented students.
It is important to remember that the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (1974) prohibits schools from providing any outside agency—including the Department 国土安全部(DHS)或美国联邦调查局(fbi.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS any information from a student's school file that would expose their immigration status. Immigration status should be treated like other student information, such as participation in 运行开始 or receiving accommodations from Disability 访问 服务.
College employees should only inquire about a student's immigration status:
- If it is beneficial to the support of student's educational goals.
- To evaluate appropriate access to the same educational opportunities as all students.
- To ensure that students are exposed to learning experiences that focus on college 愿望.
Even after, the information given to the college staff should remain confidential.
On February 26, 2014, Governor Jay Inslee signed into law the REAL Hope Act (SB 6523) 也被称为华盛顿梦想法案. 这项新法律扩大了华盛顿医保的资格 State 需要授权 to non-citizens who meet the program’s eligibility requirements in 除了下面列出的三个住院医师标准之外. 学生必须:
- Have graduated from a Washington high school or obtained a GED in Washington, and
- Have lived in Washington for three years prior to, and continuously since, earning 高中毕业或同等学历
- Sign a HB 1079 affidavit (written promise) to file an application to become a permanent
*学生 granted 童年抵美暂缓遣返计划(DACA) must also complete 并签署HB 1079宣誓书.
The Washington Student Achievement Council has provided a new state application for students who are unable to complete a FAFSA due to their immigration status. 这 免费应用程序 — known as the Washington Application for State 金融援助, or the WASFA — will allow non-citizens to apply for student financial aid in Washington State. “WASFA取代 the FAFSA for undocumented students in Washington State” Upon successful completion of a WASFA, the college(s) chosen by the student will use the financial information provided in the application to determine eligibility to receive the Washington State 需要授权.
*Please note that the information provided by the student to the institution and the WASFA is protected and will not be shared with a third party, since it is protected 通过FERPA.
WASFA应用程序现在可以在 readysetgrad.org.
Effective July 1, 2003, Washington state law changed the definition of “resident student” allowing certain students eligible for resident student status - and eligible to pay resident tuition rates when they attend public colleges or universities in this state. 这 bill allows undocumented students to pay in-state tuition rates. 尽管如此,这 law does make college more affordable for undocumented students, it does not make 这些学生有资格获得联邦财政援助. 此外,法律也是如此 not make these students eligible to work legally in the United States.
我有资格在HB 1079下获得州内学费吗?
Have you resided in Washington State for three (3) years immediately prior to receiving a high school diploma, and completed the full senior year at a Washington high school;
Completed the equivalent of a high school diploma and resided in Washington State for the three (3) years immediately before receiving the equivalent of a diploma;
Continuously resided in the State since earning the high school diploma or its equivalent.
如果满足上述要求,则选择YES! 你有资格获得州内学费 HB 1079.
我有资格! 接下来会发生什么?
- After you fill out the admission application for the college, you can sign the Washington 高等教育居留证. Note: If you are still in high school, you will need to wait until you graduate in 命令上交宣誓书.
- 你可以 also find the affidavit in the admissions office and it should also be available to you at any high school, college, or university in the state.
- Lastly, submit the HB1079 affidavit to your college admissions office.
了解更多关于这个程序和当前更新. 有信息论坛 and legal clinics for immigrant youth which take place through the 西北移民权益项目. A list of local and state-wide resources for DACA students is also available online at:
“年轻人的美国梦将被无情地剥夺,” 华盛顿州长杰伊·英斯利在CNN上发表的一篇专栏文章.2017年8月24日.
西北移民权利项目 offers information and educational forums on next steps on the DACA Rescission.
国家移民法律中心 offers information and support for next steps on the DACA Rescission.
- US Homeland 安全 “exercise(s) its discretionary authority to terminate or deny deferred action for any reason, at any time, with or without notice.“看看国土安全部的报告 "Frequently Asked Questions: Rescission Of Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA)."
A list of both state-wide and locally known organizations are available on our WVC梦想专案组 页面. 学生 can access services and find out more about the local and state-wide 宣传运动. 其中包括华盛顿梦想法案联盟(Facebook页面), 西北移民权益项目. 访问WVC梦想者页面 and find out more on Washington state organizations that support undocumented students.
A number of scholarships are available for DACA and undocumented students. 你可以 申请当地和全州的奖学金. 皇冠8868会员登录谷学院提供 various scholarships to help undocumented students continue on with their education. 访问我们的 奖学金的页面.
- 你一个人做不到. 不要害怕寻求帮助.
- 寻找其他可以成为榜样和导师的学生.
- Form strong relationships with professors, counselors and mentors with whom you can 诚实和公开地谈论你的挑战.
- 要有创意. 不要接受别人的拒绝.
- 相信自己. 要知道你对你的家庭,你的社区,你的 同学们,还有你的祖国.